Mrs. Annemarie a beautiful, talented and wise woman whom I met when I first finished college at 22 years old. She was a Delta flight attendant and had an easy-going, nurturing personality. In other words, exactly what I needed at the time, since I was new to the out of college experience, and could certainly use some guidance. Little did I know at the time that this woman would become like a second mother to me, gently holding my hand through some treacherous trials and tribulations. Her door was always open to me, and I took advantage to get away from reality. Her home became my second home, my safe haven and my get away. She never complained although I'm sure at times I leaned on her a bit too much. Patience should have been her middle name. I never thanked her properly, and even now that I'm doing so publicly, words can never express the depth of my gratitude to this lovely woman. I often think about the words of wisdom she relayed to me about one of the most important lessons that college and life after college teaches you, and that is to persevere, no matter what. I have taken those words to heart, and I also share them with others whenever I have a chance. Because it occurs to me, that the highest form of honor we can pay to our mentors is to pass on to others the wisdom they so freely gave to us. So I thank you, Annemarie, a thousand times squared, for everything you gave me, and may you always be blessed with the best this universe has to offer to one as special, gifted and wonderful as you are."
Smiles and peace, Brea Felise Hilliard
Atlanta, GA
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