We aim to help our teens and young adult females how to build confidence based on what they can do, not what they look like.
Education is the best tool to bring a positive change in society, to develop a generation of responsible individuals and contribute to the development of good human beings. We'll prove to our young ladies why education serves as the means to develop oneself physically, mentally and socially.
We aim to instill in our young ladies that good nutrition includes a diet that focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy.
We believe that overall wellness in all aspects of life- emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and physical- is key to success. We aim to provide both teens and young adult females with the necessary tools that will aid in their development and growth in these optimal areas.
How one speaks and addresses others can reveal as much about their personality as their appearance. The sound of a voice and the content of speech can provide clues to an individual's emotional state. The voice is unique to the person to whom it belongs. A young lady with low self-esteem more than likely has hesitancy in her voice. A shy person may have a quiet voice, but someone who is confident in themselves will be more likely to have command over their voice with clear speech.
In most cases, how one dresses and present themselves in public says a whole lot about who they are and what they represent. Being modest, sending the right message, and taking time to dress appropriately or "dress to impress" is one of our main focus areas for our teens and young adult females.
It is important for young ladies to practice good hygiene and self-care. Maintaining hygiene practices reduces the spread of illness and risk of medical conditions caused by not taking care of yourself. It also increases self-confidence and positively impacts personal relationships.
Social "drama", online and offline among females is ever-present, overwhelming, and isn't going away. By better understanding the needs that they are expressing through drama, we can support them in developing healthy skills that will serve them throughout life.
We show our young ladies how to present themselves, in a professional, yet age-appropriate manner. Slouching, smacking lips and chewing gum loudly are huge no-nos for our young ladies. We show them that there is a right way of doing things!
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